Year 1

In Term 2 students worked very hard, learning a lot across all areas of the curriculum.

In English, we have been learning how to write an explanation text. We have practised learning to explain how or why things happen, looking at various examples such as how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly and how a plant grows.

In mathematics, we learnt about addition and subtraction and had a lot of fun using materials to add and subtract numbers. Next, we learnt about length and shapes. The students enjoyed measuring and identifying different shapes and their features.

In integrated studies, students focused on man-made and constructed environments. We looked closely at what man-made and constructed features are and located these around the school and in the local environment. As an end of term project, students made a diorama of their favourite places around the school. The students worked very hard on these and they all look fantastic.

In physical education, we have combined classes to allow students to interact with one another. Each week we set up various stations for students to develop different skills like kicking, throwing, passing, skipping and hopping. The students have had a lot of fun.

We are already looking forward to many of the exciting events happening next term, including our excursion to the Bike Education centre.

Just a reminder that if students have not already purchased a library bag they can do so from the office for $15. Another important reminder is for students to complete their weekly online Mathletics and Reading Eggs tasks.

The Year 1 Team
Ms Brianna Scaife and Ms Ceren Kundakc